Once considered only for gamblers is no longer the case (just kidding)! Dice are seriously some of the best math manipulatives you can find. Not only can they be bought just about anywhere and are super cheap, the things you can do with them are endless. To review basic addition and subtraction roll two dice. For addition add the two die to get the sum. For subtraction take the two die and subtract to get the difference. Dice are not just for younger children, the same concept can be used to teach multiplication too. Need a few more ideas? I love to use dice to teach place value. I teach second grade, so I teach into the thousands place. When I need a time filler or want a quick review, I place students into pairs and give each student a die. They roll the die four times making a number and logging it on their record sheet (the recording sheet can be found in the FREEBIE). They then write the number in expanded, word, and model form.