Welcome to my blog! I am so glad that you decided to stop by and take a peek. I am going on 21 years of teaching and currently teach second grade. I work with a wonderful team of teachers that I am proud to not only call coworkers , but friends too. I have taught third, sixth, seventh, and eighth grade too. There is not any other profession that is as exhausting as teaching, but so worth the reward in the end. I could not imagine myself doing anything else.

I live in northern Louisiana with my family. My husband and I have two teenage daughters who love to go to church and spend time on the water (they may or may not have inherited this from me – just saying). In fact my whole family loves anything that involves water activities. We spend our free time on the lake, pool, and even our vacations usually involve a beach somewhere. I believe in teaching our girls about God’s word and being kind to others. I also believe in taking chances and trying new things even when you are scared. I often tell my daughters and students, “You will never get anywhere if you let fear stand in your way!” I believe this to be true. You never know when an adventure is just around the corner. My two daughters keep us on our toes with all things girly: dance, makeup, and fashion. So, sometimes my blogging and TpT gets put to the back. I am ok with this though, because faith, family and friends come first.

I started this blog about three years ago, and I have meet some pretty awesome teachers across America. I wanted to share my classroom experiences and hopefully give someone along the way a few tips. My favorite place to stay connected with other teachers is Instagram. So, be sure to click the link so we can stay connected. Also, I love creating teacher resources and digital scrapbook papers. As a matter of fact most of the digital backgrounds used in my products are created by me. I opened my Teacher Pay Teacher store at the same time I started blogging. I decided to jump in with both feet! I have gained some really neat ideas and strategies through blogging and creating, and I know much more is to come.
So, there you have it! A little insight into who I am. I live in the south and love all things southern (southern charm, southern hospitality, southern comfort food). I believe in standing up for what you believe in and staying true to yourself. I love to spend time with my family and friends and trying new adventures, but being comfortable at the same time (yes, it is possible)! I love to create things for my classroom and my Teacher Pay Teacher store. I hope you decide to follow me on this journey.